I do a lot of my thinking in the shower, I suppose it's pretty common. Something occurred to me this morning that I thought was pretty "blog-worthy" (and wasn't quite the right topic for my "work blog").
Most of the real problems our nation (or, for that matter, our world) faces are social and societal, not political. So why do we look to politicians to solve them? Politicians are good at politics, and at solving political problems. I think our experience has borne out that they're not very good at solving societal problems, I think because they tend to apply political solutions.
If we want to solve society's problems, we need to look to society to solve them. Of course, "society" is the problem, or at least part of it. You see, when we refer to society, we tend to think of some unidentifiable, amorphous "them", somewhere "out there". That's where we go wrong. That's the "tragedy of the commons" at work.